How to Strengthen your Immune System

All you need to know about tomatoes (Nyaya)
March 24, 2019
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How to Strengthen your Immune System


As part of maintenance of life, the body multiplies red blood cells, in about three months your body will have manufactured NEW Red Blood cells. In about one year all of your cells will be completely exchanged for new ones!

The first thing to keep in mind is that your body has the capacity to fight any disease at any time, given the right nutrients and positive stable mind set.

Since immune system is just that, a system, not a single entity, for it to function well, it requires balance and harmony so generally a healthy lifestyle strategy is a good way to start giving your immune system the upper hand.


1. Detox Regularly

We are exposed to all sorts of toxins everyday and everywhere, and more so, those living in big cities due to high pollution rate, gasses emitted by cars and factories.

These toxins accumulate in our bodies, if we do not get rid of these toxins by eating the right foods, it may eventually bring dis-ease or sickness.

Indoor pollution, toxin is trapped in rooms with small windows or poor ventilation. Poor ventilated houses may host, bacteria, mold, yeast and sometimes dust mites that may bring about allergic reactions to some people.

And if you think you are safe because you are in a new house, there is the new paint, the new furniture, new carpets that also emits toxins.

Naturally the body should be able to remove these toxins, but the greater the toxins build up, the more difficult for its elimination.

Regular detox helps the body rid toxin build up, and the body will function at its optimum level.

2. Eat a well-Balanced Diet

Eating a well-balanced diet gives the body the strength to carry out its functions better.

A diet high in fruits, vegetables, whole grain and low in saturated fats will do the trick. Avoid over processed foods. Indigenous foods, like sorghum, millet, cassava, sweet potatoes, all indigenous vegetables, are high in vitamins, minerals and fiber. It will also supply the body with the required enzymes for proper and efficient metabolism.

Pulses and all beans will supply enough proteins when combined with unprocessed carbohydrate. You should see to it that at least half of your plate is filled with living foods.

3. Drink enough water to keep your body hydrated

Water is the most important nutrient for our bodies it is involved in all the functions.

You can live for more than five weeks without food but you cannot live for more than five days without water!

  • Your body is about 70% water
  • Your muscles are about 75% water
  • Your brain cells are about 85% water
  • Your blood is approximately 82% water
  • Your bones are approximately 25 % water

You should not wait until you have a dry lip or a burning thirst to drink water by this time you would be dehydrated and your body will be crying out for hydration.

You should drink 8- 10 glasses of water every day, climatic conditions of the day should not dictate how much water to drink.

The information above of water composition in our bodies should actually give you an idea of the importance of keeping your body well hydrated.

4. Exercise regularly

Exercise refreshes your body and clears it of toxins, when you sweat, your body is detoxifying, removing cellular waste. Exercise sharpens your mind and gives you strength and energy.

  • Exercise may help prevent cancer
  • Exercise may prevent heart attack and heart diseases
  • Exercise improves lymphatic flow
  • Exercise lowers stress
  • Exercise promotes weight loss and may decrease appetite
  • Exercise may help prevent diabetes
  • Exercise help control blood sugar in diabetics
  • Exercise gives you sound sleep
  • Exercise improves digestion and bowel movement
  • Exercise increases lung capacity
  • Exercise reduces depression

Walking is one of the safest and effective ways to exercise. Walk at a speed that you can still talk but not sing.

A continually moving body is like a river where water is fresh and dirt flushed by the flow, but a body that is not worked is like dam water where all that goes in settles and eventually becomes polluted.

5. Get enough sleep and rest

When you go to sleep your body shuts down and it begins to repair itself. Your major organs are restored and your immune system recharges, older cells are being replaced and your mind relaxes to rest creating a healthy mental state.

Adequate sleep also slows down aging process and lack of sleep may cause type 2 diabetes and other complications.

A grown up should get 7-8 hours of quality sleep every night. School going children should get 10 hours of sleep.

Take time to rest at least one day in a week. This should be the day of doing absolutely nothing but rest. You may go out with friends for dinner, or go to the park, watch a good movie, or watch football with friends. Take you mind off your daily routine.

6. Manage your stress levels

There are two types of stress, one that you should control and the other is that which is out of your control.

Stress is our body’s natural reaction to a threat or perceived threat. It causes your heart to beat faster and your lungs to take in more air and other reactions that come with stressed feeling. The stress hormone released during this time gives you extra strength and alertness and they empower you to react to a situation and safe it or flee from it.

Stress can be negative when it is persistent and more frequent. The stress hormones that were meant to save your life begin to harm you. They might leave you feeling depressed, anxious, angry or unworthy.

If we do not learn how to manage stress well, it eventually affects every part of our bodies, from the inside out.

It is important to identify the things you can control and those that are beyond your control, at this point the ones you can’t control let go and let God.

7. Take regular medical screening

It is good to go for a regular health check up, as Socrates once said “there is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance” so empower yourself by knowing your state of health at all times. Take an active part in the maintenance of your health and in the treatment of dis-ease with a guidance of a health care professional.

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